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r/Marketing - Top Weekly Reddit

Discussion hub for advertising and marketing professionals integrating strategic planning, digital tools, and industry updates.

October 3, 2024  00:42:28

Salary, age, location (if you’re comfortable), official job title, and years of experience would be preferable.

I’m 29, located in Florida and recently started as a Marketing Coordinator at $65K. Indeed and Glassdoor seem to be all over the place for what the average is, so I’m just curious to get a small sample size and see what people are making.

submitted by /u/UCFKnights2018
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October 2, 2024  20:04:16

I’ve been working in marketing for 13 years. I started when social media was just taking off. It made me very valuable because no one knew how to harness it, but I was an eager 20-something content making machine.

Been working freelance for four years and the industry just feels…dead.

I am having a hard time convincing myself that I provide any value to people. I feel like I’m constantly screaming in the void of a sea of algorithms.

So my question is… what now? What other careers could I apply my skills with? (Not currently interested in going back to school.)

submitted by /u/XtinaBeyAri
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October 3, 2024  17:02:18

I work within e-commerce marketing, but like many of you, I wear so many hats. I also haven’t had a real manager in around 10 months, so I’ve been picking up slack there too.

I’m tired of all of the meetings, requests, mass amounts of emails, having to please 5 different brand teams that consist of multiple people, and I’m tired of e-commerce! It’s just, “drive, drive, drive” and it’s exhausting me mentally. I literally dread every week when I have to go back to work.

I’m searching for a new role elsewhere, but I’m not sure if I’m burnt out at my current company or just burnt out with marketing in general. I’m paid decently, making around 75k I believe, but I still feel underpaid for everything I do. I’m honestly thinking about swapping careers entirely. Maybe software engineering or cybersecurity? I have no idea how I’d swap industries with limited experience (I’m also in my late 20s) but I’d make way more money there, and I wouldn’t have to worry about driving sales, conversion, share, etc.

Sorry, this is more of a vent piece and to see if anyone relates.

submitted by /u/SailorStarXx
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October 4, 2024  12:48:09

Looking for some social media marketing ideas. Pour in your favourites!!

submitted by /u/pookie_mom
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October 1, 2024  17:55:55

Im a fresh grad and want to know what are your tips you could give me.

submitted by /u/Unfair_Fig_3879
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October 1, 2024  15:13:36


In a few weeks I’ll be joining as the head of marketing for a seed stage b2b saas startup (sales audience).

I’ll be one of the first full time employees. I know I’ll wear extra hats and am cool with it.

I’m coming off 8 years in product marketing, some bonus spike areas are lifecycle, monetization, product strategy, market intelligence, and launch campaigns.

What are pitfalls, mistakes, career-limiting moves, and time-wasters I should avoid?

submitted by /u/elephantkangaroo
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October 4, 2024  12:46:46

Learning the art of social media marketing. One thing at a time. Can you guys tell me your secrets to successful social media marketing?

submitted by /u/pookie_mom
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October 1, 2024  21:45:50

Rant time! But also please help.

This company is an absolute farce. Was paying around $1,000/month for ads that only got 2-3 qualified leads/month, so I decided to pause the ads ($730/mo) and keep the upgraded profile ($180/mo). After some time I went back to see where we were listed to find WE'RE NOWHERE ON THE SITE ANYMORE (unless you type in the name of the business directly). I even went to the map and went right over our business address, clicked the "search this area" button and NOTHING came up.

I called and after waiting on hold for almost an hour, explained the situation and the woman said oh, well you canceled your ads so your ad isn't going to show anymore. She's talking to me like I'm an idiot, like we didn't show up on the first page BEFORE we PAID for ANYTHING. I explain to her that we still have a paid listing that costs $180/month, so why would we not show up at all anymore? To which she repeated herself that a listing is not an ad, and that if my ad is canceled I wouldn't show up. It's like she can't even hear me when I'm trying to share how we WERE showing up BEFORE paying, but now that we're paying we're NOT SHOWING UP AT ALL??!

Can someone help me understand this?! I'm going to try to get my money refunded for not being listed for the past X amount of months but what the actual hell is going on at this business???

submitted by /u/RoyalPlums
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October 2, 2024  16:58:54

I’ve been in marketing for over 10 years and have transitioned from digital into a niche role running a product experience program in the automotive industry. I haven’t touched social in a few years and have little interest to go back.

That said, I’m currently running an experiment with one of my buddies to see who can take an insta account from 0 to the most followers in 6 months (just for fun). No stipulation on the account or content so I’m doing something dumb with my French bulldog. Curious if anyone here has taken an account from 0 to something significant recently and if organic social growth is even remotely a thing anymore.

submitted by /u/jazzy_peanut_butter
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October 1, 2024  00:26:53

Hi Im doing a research paper on rare but super intresting marketing/advertising cases, if you know and pls sugest and pls leave the title or related links, i Will appreciate :)

submitted by /u/ProfessionalGur9184
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September 30, 2024  00:55:44

I'm currently doing a business degree majoring in marketing and management and I'm genuinely curious about all paths and people's journeys!

submitted by /u/Georgadotcom
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October 1, 2024  04:14:17

it's inevitable that i gotta market my own projects but i can't help but hate marketing, especially when it comes to marketing on social media [without money] as it just feels like I'm shouting into the void and I hate focusing on views and impressions. for people who enjoy marketing or somehow started to love marketing, How'd you learn to love it? I'm more of an artist than a marketer and unless I can somehow truly enjoy marketing, I'll always end up failing in this area. I hope this question is allowed cuz I genuinely want to know.

submitted by /u/Fun-Sell-4625
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October 4, 2024  18:44:40

SF complexity and costs have gotten too much for us. Any insights on the above platforms for CRM & Marketing?

Other recommendations?

(Hubspot quoted us too much due our high volume of marketing contacts)

submitted by /u/jappyjappyhoyhoy
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October 1, 2024  15:34:28

Starting a new marketing job and wanted to know what you wished you’d done differently in your last marketing job. I’m more so talking about things that were bad choices within the job than bad career choices.

I’ll go first: At my last job the previous marketer was incompetent, no shade, just someone without experience. I was overwhelmed so I focussed on setting up all new channels super well, but I didn’t address the bad stuff I inherited right away. For example, the website was absolute garbage and I made tweaks to it for a year before rebuilding, when I really should have started from scratch right away. At first I excused things like “well, I’m not the one who set it up, and everything I did is performing well.” But obviously it started to look bad on me after a point and I had to scramble to correct everything. At least I learned my lesson.

What are some of your mistakes/regrets?

submitted by /u/mirandalikesplants
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October 3, 2024  09:27:47

I am a marketing writer and I when I create content for my work, the policy is that it must be reviewed by multiple people across different departments.

Now, I have a degree in business, 10 years of experience in marketing writing, and I’ve taken copywriting courses (some this year). I noticed every time my work is passed to someone for review they always have some critiques and comments. Half of them don’t speak English as a first language and most haven’t studied or understand marketing and the concept of copywriting. I feel obliged to make most of the requested amendments just because they each had an opinion.

I don’t mind some constructive criticism and feedback. But at this point I feel like there are too many people involved. I have one piece being reviewed right now by 10 people. Most of them are sales executives.

How can I politely decline some of the useless feedback? If I’m paid for the job should I just go along with all the amendments (against my own judgement that it’s ruining my work)?

TLDR: too many people are reviewing and critiquing my work - ruining the final piece

submitted by /u/Accurate-Breadfruit
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October 4, 2024  19:09:59

What is it about this field that made you say I'm going to stick with it and it's the best with me?

What happened in your family life or interaction with your friends, or interactions with a mentor, or classmate that made you say this is what was meant for me?

submitted by /u/theVirginAmberRose
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October 4, 2024  13:03:19

Let's look at what the SEO community is saying about AIOs!

The SE Ranking team is keeping a close eye on the latest trends in AI-driven search and sharing our insights with the SEO community. We’re also highlighting some of the most popular SEO topics on social media. Here are some hot topics people are talking about when it comes to AI Overviews.

Kevin Indig's latest research, published in Search Engine Journal, appeared in social media discussions two weeks in a row. In his analysis, Kevin tackles several key issues impacting the SEO community, presenting his findings through concise conclusions:

"[...] In other words, domains that get a lot of organic traffic have a high likelihood of being very visible in AI Overviews [...]

[...] Local queries have the highest amount of exact match overlap between query and answer; informational queries have the lowest [...]

[...] The majority, 60% of URLs cited in AIOs, still rank on the first page of organic results, reinforcing the point that a higher organic rank tends to lead to a higher chance of being cited in AIOs [...]"


Search Engine Journal | Kevin Indig

Gagan Ghotra, who cited Australian news sources, began tracking the progress of AI Overviews rolling out in the region. He posted an article on LinkedIn titled "Google to Launch AI Overviews in Australia," sharing his insights on what Australian website holders should expect from the rollout.


LinkedIn | Gagan Ghotra

Charles Floate keeps an eye on Forbes Advisor dropping out of the SERPs while also looking into what’s in the AI snippets:

"Seeing a huge number of the Forbes Advisor pages dropping out of the SERPs right now...

However, SGE (AI Overviews) are still pulling them in just fine! I wonder if penalties will affect your ability to show up in these in the future."

This presents an intriguing opportunity to apply the same analysis to your own project pages while assessing the visibility of specific web resources within the AIO framework.


X | Charles_SEO

Several news publications immediately began to push the news about Bing Generative Search on social networks. Each referred to an article by Kyle Wiggers called "Microsoft brings AI-powered overviews to Bing".

Social media users are calling Bing Generative Search a clear answer to Google's AI Overviews.


X | Techmeme

X | mediagazer

That’s the buzz around AI Overviews right now. We’ll keep tracking the latest conversations and developments on this topic. Stay tuned for more!

submitted by /u/SE_Ranking
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September 29, 2024  19:53:12

Been in the content space for around 6 years now. Done everything from blogs, emails, socials, SEO, content strategy and so on.

But the low pay and the constant disrespect and ordering around by people who don't know anything about writing, or even marketing, has sort of started taking a toll on me now.

I'm thinking of switching to something better, something that pays more and gives me more respect.

So what are my options from here? I'm thinking product management or leadership roles like CMO are good possible trakcs. What do you think? Would appreciate any and all takes.

submitted by /u/Straight-Village-710
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October 3, 2024  22:41:43

What’s your go-to trick for getting more engagement on posts? I’m all ears!

I am dealing with an account about packaged sausages with a very low engagement

submitted by /u/Parking-Way8440
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September 30, 2024  17:50:20

Hi everyone, I’ve been working in digital marketing for about five years, with two of those years at my current company.

Throughout my career, I’ve taken on a wide range of responsibilities, including web administration, social media management, and designing visuals for both web and in store projects. I’ve also redesigned our social media visual identity, optimized our SEO (which is a significant part of my role), written blog content and product descriptions, designed and implemented landing pages, and created newsletters. Additionally, I’ve developed in-store educational materials and collaborated with partners to plan campaigns promoting their products.

Despite having all this experience, I often find myself struggling when it comes to creating my portfolio. I’m unsure where to start, what to include, and what to leave out. I have a huge imposter syndrome going on, especially when I see people on LinkedIn saying, "You can't excel at this many things at once." And while I understand that specialization is important (I’m currently focusing on UX design), I am afraid to show everything I have done because I feel like I know nothing.

I’ve also designed websites, created a Shopify store for a client, and more, but I worry about whether it’s too much to showcase.
Personally I LOVE that I am so diverse, but I have a hard time sharing this with others because I feel like I will be shunned.

Any advice for me? Any good portfolio you can share with me?

submitted by /u/Kyogre7
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October 3, 2024  10:14:19

The SE Ranking team researches AI Overviews across various niches, focusing on YMYL (Your Money or Your Life) topics requiring high reliability and accuracy. Since AIOs have a major influence on the information users encounter in Google searches, we analyzed their presentation in four key areas: health, politics, finance, and law. We found this information using our newly launched AI Overviews Tracker. Here’s what our team found:

  • The legal niche triggers the highest percentage of AIOs (77.67%), followed by the health sector (65.33%), finance (41.67%), and politics (16.67%).
  • The most common keyword patterns triggering AIOs for YMYL topics are how (how to, how often, how long, how much, how does), what is, what are, when, you, I.

AIOs are trying not to cause harm; could this be a reaction to the infamous ‘stone diet’ fiasco?

  • 83% of health-related keywords triggering AIOs contained a disclaimer: “This is for informational purposes only. For medical advice or diagnosis, consult a professional. Generative AI is experimental.”
  • 63.2% of finance-related keywords triggering AIOs included a disclaimer: “Generative AI is experimental. For financial (legal) advice, consult a professional.”
  • 19.74% of keywords that triggered AI Overviews for legal topics featured a disclaimer stating: “Generative AI is experimental. For legal advice, consult a professional.”
  • Google takes extra care with sensitive topics such as mental health, eating disorders, substance abuse, specific medications, Covid-19 and abortion, opting not to generate AIOs for these subjects.
  • The most linked-to sites in AIOs for political topics are Wikipedia.org (36 links), State.gov (15 links), and DHS.gov (15 links).
  • No AI Overviews were triggered for keywords containing terms like “election,” “elections,” “president,” or “presidential” while Search GPT by OpenAI does not have such a restriction.

This only covers a small fraction of our insights on this extensive topic. Find more information in our latest AI Overviews Research: Analyzing Google's approach to YMYL topics.

submitted by /u/SE_Ranking
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October 4, 2024  17:36:21

I’m running Facebook ads, Google Ads, SMS campaign on MailChimp to generate leads for the company I work for. I’ve got my pixel, GTM, GA4, and Analytics set up. I don’t think I’m using them to their fullest capabilities but better than nothing.

The company had never used a CRM before, so I built a simple one on Monday.com (because they don’t want to pay HubSpot prices) and they love it. I have 11 different groups which are different stages of the sales process. We’ve got like 50 new leads in the CRM already, and obviously 100s of jobs from before we started using it.

I use lead forms for Facebook, and Google goes to our website form. MailChimp, I’m not sure is the best option, maybe it’s the plan we pay for, but there is 0 automation and my best idea so far is tagging contacts to sort them.

I only work 4 days a week but my boss complained that leads we get over the weekend have to wait 3 days to be contacted before I add them to Monday.com. Rightly so, but I do what I’m told.

All of this is while I handle ad creatives, rebuilding the entire website/SEO, and manage social media posts. Not complaining, I love it, I’m doing a good job at it, and I’m learning a lot. I’m definitely asking for a raise first of the year though. Their previous marketers were more like a graphic designer and a guy who knew how to boost Facebook posts.

With all this said, how do I track all the data I can? What can I automate? How do I automate adding leads we get from the website to Monday? Maybe I’m asking for too much but I’d like to track everything. Is the answer HubSpot? Lol

submitted by /u/Billabongtree
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September 29, 2024  17:09:46

I’m at the very beginning of my career but don’t want to get boxed in to a particular industry. So I’m curious, for people who switched to completely different industries like energy to tech or healthcare, was there a huge learning curve where many of the principles you had learned no longer applied? And to clarify, I mean still doing marketing, but just working for a company in a different sector.

submitted by /u/grandvizierofswag
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October 1, 2024  11:42:36

I have been asked to give a 90 minute lecture on marketing at a London university. It is not to a marketing or business class.

I’m finding it quite challenging to write my presentation, Marketing is such a wide topic!

So my question to all of you, what should I teach?

Edit: First year students*

submitted by /u/GilbeyPink
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September 30, 2024  14:43:00

I run the marketing for a medium sized aftermarket automotive company.

Some points to note: 1. This company surged during COVID.

  1. I’m the first marketing person this company has ever truly had. Before me they just had someone running the socials.

  2. Our monthly ad spend budget is about $6,000

4 Final point of note. For being e-commerce based our website is very lackluster and I have been warming up the owner to the idea of making changes.


The issue: The months before I started had a monthly sessions average of 20,000-40,000. Through a mix of Google ads and Meta ads allocation I’ve managed to bump it consistently up to 60,000. Our Google CPC is $0.34 and our cost per conversion on there is $19.00. Our meta ads give us less data but our average CPC for them is $0.11.

Yet sales and conversion rate keep dropping. Our conversion rate is now at 0.22%!!!

I’ve also managed to bring our Average engagement time up from 15 seconds to just shy of a minute with nearly 60% of site users having an “engaged session”

Yet our YTD sales are down 34%. Am i missing something?

Edit Made For Clarity

submitted by /u/Ricer_16
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