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1.Radiant: A beautiful new marketing site template2.Headless UI v2.1: Simplified transition API and improved multi-dialog support3.Automatically clean up whitespace and duplicate class names4.Catalyst: Application layouts, navigation menus, description lists, and more5.Headless UI v2.0 for React6.We're hiring a Design Engineer + Staff Engineer7.Open-sourcing our progress on Tailwind CSS v4.08.Introducing Catalyst: A modern UI kit for React9.Tailwind CSS v3.4: Dynamic viewport units, :has() support, balanced headlines, subgrid, and more10.Heroicons Micro: What are these, icons for ants?11.Meet Studio: Our beautiful new agency site template12.Tailwind Connect 2023: Recap of our first in-person event13.New changelog template + the biggest Tailwind UI update ever14.Tailwind CSS v3.3: Extended color palette, ESM/TS support, logical properties, and more15.Protocol: A beautiful starting point for your next API documentation site16.Tailwind CSS v3.2: Dynamic breakpoints, multi-config, and container queries, oh my!17.We built you a new personal website + Heroicons v2.0, Headless UI v1.7, and more18.New Tailwind CSS + Framer Motion template and Tailwind Jobs19.Tailwind UI: Site templates and all-access20.Tailwind CSS v3.1: You wanna get nuts? Come on, let's get nuts!21.Headless UI v1.6, Tailwind UI team management, Tailwind Play improvements, and more22.Headless UI v1.5: The One With Comboboxes23.Automatic Class Sorting with Prettier24.Effortless Typography, Even in Dark Mode25.Standalone CLI: Use Tailwind CSS without Node.js26.Tailwind CSS v3.027.Introducing Tailwind UI Ecommerce28.Headless UI v1.4: The One With Tabs29.Tailwind CSS v2.230.Tailwind UI: Now with React + Vue support31.Headless UI v1.032.Tailwind CSS v2.133.Heroicons v1.034.Just-In-Time: The Next Generation of Tailwind CSS35.Welcoming James McDonald to Tailwind Labs36."Tailwind CSS: From Zero to Production" on YouTube37.Welcoming David Luhr to Tailwind Labs38.Multi-line truncation with @tailwindcss/line-clamp39.Tailwind CSS v2.040.Tailwind CSS v1.9.041.Introducing Tailwind Play42.Headless UI: Unstyled, Accessible UI Components43."What's new in Tailwind CSS?" on YouTube44.Tailwind CSS v1.8.045.Utility-Friendly Transitions with @tailwindui/react46.Introducing Heroicons.com47.Tailwind CSS v1.7.048.From Nine Hundred to One: How We Hired Robin Malfait49.Tailwind CSS v1.6.050.Simon Vrachliotis Joins Tailwind Labs51.Welcoming Brad Cornes to the Team52.Tailwind CSS v1.5.053.Introducing Tailwind CSS Typography54.Building the Tailwind Blog with Next.js55.Introducing linting for Tailwind CSS IntelliSense
1.How A Bottom-Up Design Approach Enhances Site Accessibility2.Interview With Björn Ottosson, Creator Of The Oklab Color Space3.Crows, Ghosts, And Autumn Bliss (October 2024 Wallpapers Edition)4.How To Manage Dangerous Actions In User Interfaces5.The Timeless Power Of Spreadsheets6.Embracing Introversion In UX7.SVG Coding Examples: Useful Recipes For Writing Vectors By Hand8.Creating Custom Lottie Animations With SVGator9.How To Build Custom Data Visualizations Using Luzmo Flex10.Why Anticipatory Design Isn’t Working For Businesses11.How To Create A Weekly Google Analytics Report That Posts To Slack12.Sticky Headers And Full-Height Elements: A Tricky Combination13.The Big Difference Between Digital Product And Web Design14.Goodbye Summer, Hello September (2024 Wallpapers Edition)15.Integrating Image-To-Text And Text-To-Speech Models (Part 2)16.Generating Unique Random Numbers In JavaScript Using Sets17.Mastering Typography In Logo Design18.Regexes Got Good: The History And Future Of Regular Expressions In JavaScript19.Pricing Projects As A Freelancer Or Agency Owner20.How To Defend Your Design Process21.If I Was Starting My Career Today: Thoughts After 15 Years Spent In UX Design (Part 2)22.Best Of Pro Scheduler Libraries23.It’s Time To Talk About “CSS5”24.If I Was Starting My Career Today: Thoughts After 15 Years Spent In UX Design (Part 1)25.How To Build A Multilingual Website With Nuxt.js26.Sweet Nostalgia In August (2024 Wallpapers Edition)27.Rethinking The Role Of Your UX Teams And Move Beyond Firefighting28.Integrating Image-To-Text And Text-To-Speech Models (Part 1)29.Getting To The Bottom Of Minimum WCAG-Conformant Interactive Element Size30.Build Design Systems With Penpot Components31.How To Design Effective Conversational AI Experiences: A Comprehensive Guide32.When Friction Is A Good Thing: Designing Sustainable E-Commerce Experiences33.Useful Customer Journey Maps (+ Figma & Miro Templates)34.Tales Of An Eternal Summer (July 2024 Wallpapers Edition)35.How To Improve Your Microcopy: UX Writing Tips For Non-UX Writers36.How To Make A Strong Case For Accessibility37.So Your Website Or App Is Live… Now What?38.How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Multimedia Writing39.Uniting Web And Native Apps With 4 Unknown JavaScript APIs40.T-Shaped vs. V-Shaped Designers
1.Catching Up on the WordPress WP Engine Sitch2.Why Gumroad Didn’t Choose htmx3.Dealing With Rejection After Applying to Hundreds of Jobs4.Introduction to Micro Frontends: An Overview5.Error Messages: 4 Guidelines for Effective Communication6.Benchmarking the Performance of CSS “@ property”7.Unleash JavaScript’s Potential With Functional Programming8.Animate to “height: auto;” (and Other Intrinsic Sizing Keywords) in CSS9.POSSE: Reclaiming Social Media in a Fragmented World10.Observing Style Changes11.Rethinking Code Reviews With Stacked PRs12.Interview With Björn Ottosson, Creator of the Oklab Color Space13.The Problem of Knowledge Debt in Tech14.Firefox DevTools Newsletter 13015.ESLint Now Officially Supports Linting of JSON and Markdown16.Selecting Previous Siblings17.cpx—the npx Counterpart of the PHP Ecosystem18.Untrained Engineering Managers19.Understanding Cultural Norms to Design Inclusive User Experiences20.Speed Up Your Website With “<link rel=preconnect>”21.Matt Mullenweg Announces Temporary Lifting of WP Engine Ban22.Powerful WebStorm Tips and Tricks: Boost Your Productivity23.Web Components Are Not Framework Components—and That’s Okay24.The HTTP QUERY Method25.Optimising for High Latency Environments26.How to Learn HTML: 46 Great Sites, Courses, and Books (All Free)27.The “bdi” Element28.Stop Designing Your Web Application for Millions of Users When You Don’t Even Have 10029.Web Components vs. State-Based UI30.Eleventy v3.0.0: Possums ❤️ ESM31.The Importance of Title Tags: Tips and Tricks to Optimize for SEO32.Web Components Are Not the Future33.Automattic Sends WP Engine Its Own Cease-and-Desist Over WordPress Trademark Infringement34.I Finally Understand OAuth35.If You Don’t Write Unit Tests… It’s a Skill Issue36.Bad CSS-Dad Jokes II37.Bitwise Operators in JavaScript and When to Use Them38.An Interesting HTML Parser Conundrum39.Deceptive Patterns in Copy Are Killing Me40.Why HTML Has Both “<b/i>” and “<strong/em>”?41.Web Components Are Okay42.Five Ways to Lazy Load Images for Better Website Performance43.Deno 2.0 Release Candidate44.When Should You Actually Worry About Tech Debt?45.New to the Web Platform in September 46.Keeping Pixely Images Pixely (and Performant!)47.Good UX Is Not Just About Minimizing Clicks48.Split Effects With No Content Duplication49.4 Tips for Unlocking the Benefits of Svelte in Frontend Development50.Outdated Docs Are Tech Debt51.No Authentication Like Button52.Solved by CSS Scroll-Driven Animations: Hide a Header When Scrolling Down, Show It Again When Scrolling Up53.WCAG and Accessibility Beyond Naive Misconceptions54.NIST Recommends Some Common-Sense Password Rules55.Two CSS Properties for Trimming Text Box Whitespace56.Mobile Accessibility Testing: Enhancing User Experience for All57.Bad CSS-Dad Jokes58.What’s the Difference Between Information Architecture and Content Strategy?59.“img sizes=auto” for Native Lazy Loading60.Getting Started With CI/CD: A Beginner’s Guide to Automating Your First Pipeline (With Jenkins)61.Clever Polypane Debugging Features I’m Loving62.The Magic Behind Laravel’s New “defer()” Helper63.What Price?64.Your Accessibility Questions Answered by a Blind Person65.Create a Toggle Switch in React as a Reusable Component66.Node.js 20 Upgrade: A Journey Through Unexpected Heap Issues With Kubernetes67.Get Ready for Interop 2025: Your Chance to Shape the Web68.How to Build an AI-Driven User Research Repository69.A Complete Guide to Session Management in Next.js70.“setImmediate()” vs. “setTimeout()” in JavaScript71.Feature Detecting Scroll-Driven Animations With “@ supports”: You Want to Check for “animation-range” Too72.Building the Same App Using Various Web Frameworks73.The Continuing Tragedy of Emoji on the Web74.Conway’s Law: The Hidden Force Shaping Your Software Architecture75.Gaining Access to Anyone’s Browser Without Them Even Visiting a Website76.The Nine Node Pillars77.5 Questions for Craig Buckler78.A Complete Guide to Beginning with TypeScript79.But Why??80.How to Create a Type to Retrieve All Keys of an Object in TypeScript81.“display: contents” Is Not a CSS Reset82.A Comprehensive Guide to Node.js Addons83.The Goal Isn’t to Write Less Code84.I Need an Accessible Hero85.CSS Grid Layout Module Level 386.2000s + 2010s = 10,00087.Quick Tip: Using “flatMap()” to Extract Data From a Huge Set Without Any Loop88.From Node.js to Deno: How It All Began89.A Web Component for CodePen Embeds?90.Why We Switched From Cypress to Playwright91.Good Forms92.Cleaning and Speeding Up the JS Ecosystem—Journey So Far93.Paying Down Tech Debt: Further Learnings94.JavaScript/Python Array Quick Reference95.Stop Recreating the Wheel: Local Government Organizations Sharing Accessibility Information96.Better Vue Components With TypeScript97.Sanding UI98.Why Copilot Is Making Programmers Worse at Programming99.Prioritize Accessibility in Procurement for Better CX and EX100.When to Start Blogging?101.A Compelling Case for the Comma Operator102.Introducing TanStack Router103.A Billion New Developers Thanks to AI?104.The Folly of Chasing Demographics105.Scroll-Enhanced Experiences106.Accessibility Preference Settings, Information Architecture, and Internalized Ableism107.Pfizer’s Future of Development108.The Redmonk Programming Language Rankings: June 2024109.Avoiding Accessibility Barriers With a Checklist for Custom Controls—Opinion110.Fake GitHub Site Targeting Developers111.SVG Coding Examples: Useful Recipes for Writing Vectors by Hand112.Paying Down Tech Debt113.Understanding the “Why” Around Neurodivergent Inclusive Web Design114.React 19 Cheat Sheet115.Sticky Headers and Full-Height Elements: A Tricky Combination116.Compile and Run C in JavaScript117.What’s New in DevTools: Chrome 127–129118.Another Stab at Truncated Text119.Do You Still Use Git in the Terminal?120.GitHub Trick to Find the Commit That Deleted a File121.Code Wins Arguments122.CSS “@ property” and the New Style123.Verso Taking Shape as a Servo-Powered Web Browser124.WebKit Features in Safari 18.0125.Captured Custom Properties126.10 Developer Tools to Improve Your Daily Life as a Developer127.Something Went Wrong128.A Step-by-Step Guide to Conducting a Web Accessibility Audit129.Under-Engineered Estimated Reading Time Feature130.Skeleton Screens vs. Progress Bars vs. Spinners131.Improving Rendering Performance With CSS “content-visibility”132.State of HTML 2024133.Submit Your Proposals for Interop 2025134.Reasons I Still Love the Fish Shell135.Get Window Size in Pure CSS136.A Day in the Life of a DevOps Engineer: Real Stories and Challenges137.Rethinking CSS in JS138.The HTML History and Optimization Cheat Sheet139.Oracle, It’s Time to Free Javascript140.Be Careful When Using Generative Artificial Intelligence to Produce Code141.How to Teach CSS142.Headings143.What It Is Like to Work in Meta’s (Facebook’s) Monorepo144.Google Is Killing Information Economics on the Internet145.Evolve or Become Irrelevant146.The Real Cost of Meetings: What FAANG Companies Do Differently147.Tips for Reducing Cyclomatic Complexity148.Express.js 5.0 Released After Long Delay, Though Not Yet Default as Project Appeals for Contributors149.Faster Pages With React150.Time Travelling CSS With “:target”151.Should Form Labels Be Wrapped or Separate?152.Stuck in the Steps?153.Building Better Logins: A UX and Accessibility Guide for Developers154.Are Design Systems Just a Bandaid?155.The Story of Figma: Living Long Enough as a Hero to Become a Villain?156.UX Design isn’t Dead, You’re Just Confused157.Reducing UX Debt (or Die Trying)158.Design Systems Should Do Less159.The Undeniable Utility of CSS “:has”160.Make “git diff” Look Beautiful in the Terminal161.Anchor Positioning162.caniuse-cli163.Making Orbit Animations With CSS Custom Properties164.Harnessing Copilot and Other Gen-AI Tools to Increase Digital Accessibility Efficiency165.Look Out, Kids: PHP Is the New JavaScript166.Noisy, Hungry Data Centers Are Catching Communities by Surprise167.The “aside” Element168.2024: 0.5% of the Global Top 200 Websites Use Valid HTML169.Let’s Bring Back Browsing170.Querying the Color Scheme171.Company Culture Happens Outside Management172.Manual ’Till It Hurts173.The Secrets of the “delete” Operator in JavaScript174.Java Optionals175.Why Playwright Is Less Flaky Than Selenium176.How to Create a Weekly Google Analytics Report That Posts to Slack177.The Ultimate Guide to Font Performance Optimization178.Brief Note on Disclosures in Fieldsets179.The Secret Inside One Million Checkboxes180.CSS Values and Units Module Level 5181.How to Use React Compiler—a Complete Guide182.The Neverending Story183.An Enhancement to Accessible Responsive Tables184.Top 10 Angular Architecture Mistakes You Really Want to Avoid185.The State of ES5 on the Web186.Advanced Playwright Techniques for Flawless Testing187.Story of a Button188.A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding TypeScript Record Type189.Using Controllers for Keyboard Accessibility190.What Does Hydration Mean?191.Predicting Developer Attrition192.What the Heck Is ARIA? A Beginner’s Guide to ARIA for Accessibility193.Drupal 11: New Features to Empower Ambitious Site Builders194.Data Centers Are Eating and Drinking Our Environment195.Multithreading in Node.js: Using Atomics for Safe Shared Memory Operations196.The Easiest Way to Start Working with OKRs197.Understanding Web Storage: LocalStorage, SessionStorage, and Cookies198.JavaScript Promises in Depth With V8 Engine Internals199.A/B Testing 101200.Standalone Components Are the Future201.Frontend Dev Plus Data Structures and Algorithms: How DSA Can Power Your React App202.Logical Properties in Size Queries203.Tool: JSON to CSV Converter204.Anchor Positioning Quirks205.How to Find the Accessible Name of a Button With Google Chrome206.How to Detect Broken Links With Playwright207.More npm Packages on Cloudflare Workers: Combining Polyfills and Native Code to Support Node.js APIs208.HTTP 1 vs. HTTP 2 vs. HTTP 3209.Chrome Ends Support for First Input Delay210.What Is React.js?211.Ensuring the Staying Power of User Experience in Your Organization212.CSS Triggers213.Simplicity214.Tackling a System’s Accessibility Without Testing215.Shipping Tumblr and WordPress216.Supporting AVIF in Google Search217.Unrealistic Deadlines in Software Engineering218.Backgrounds for the Box Model (and Why It Can Be Useful)219.OpenAI Is Shockingly Good at Unminifying Code220.An SSR Performance Showdown221.Understanding JavaScript Closures With Examples222.A Release Note for the Web Platform223.A Complete Guide to Beginning With JavaScript224.Dreaming About Drupal [and] Its Long Term Potential225.What’s New in React 19226.IndieWeb vs. Indie Web227.CSS Display Contents228.The Helpful Content Update Was Not What You Think229.Inlay Hints Make It Easy to Read Code in VS Code230.Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 202231.Writing Effective Pull Request Descriptions: A Developer’s Guide232.Tool: Fallback Font Generator233.Lazy Loading Isn’t Just Lazy, It’s Late: The Web Deserves Faster234.How to Handle Errors in Next.js for Node With the App Router235.Notes on Setting Up a Static Website With AWS (Route 53, S3, ACM)236.How to Deploy Node.js to AWS Lambda With OpenTofu and GitHub Actions237.Hidden Cost of Frontend Frameworks238.Python Developers Survey 2023 Results239.“AggregateError” in JavaScript240.How I Created a 3.78 MB Docker Image for a JavaScript Service241.I Want the Read Write Suggest-Edit Accept-Edit Update Web242.What’s Missing From HTML and CSS?243.When Regex Goes Wrong244.Why I Don’t Block AI Scrapers245.Semi-Annual Reminder to Learn and Hire for Web Standards246.Paragraphs247.CSS Style Observer248.New to the Web Platform in August249.JavaScript Generators Explained, but on a Senior-Level250.The Dialog Element With Entry and Exit Animations251.Caching Demystified: Inspect, Clear, and Disable Caches252.Chris Ferdinandi on ADHD, Focus, and Working in Tech253.Tool: AI Content Detector254.Tool: Sass to CSS Converter255.Tool: C64-Style Image Converter256.Tool: JSON-LD Schema Generator (Patrick Coombe)257.Tool: Social Media and Domain Name Checker (Namechk)258.Tool: Keyword Typo Generator259.Tool: Locale Adaption Checker260.Tool: CSS Gradient Generator (Learn UI Design)261.Tool: URL Validator262.Tool: CSS Clip Path Generator263.Tool: CTA Generator264.Tool: MX Lookup (Google)265.Tool: EPUB Compressor266.Tool: npm Types Checker267.Tool: SMTP Tester268.Tool: robots.txt Validator (Logeix)269.Tool: CSS “:nth” Tester270.Tool: CSS Loader Generator271.Tool: Website Performance Analyzer (Treo)272.Tool: SSL Checker (EXPERTE.com)273.Tool: CSS Gradient Generator (Adam Argyle)274.Tool: Brotli Checker275.Tool: Name Checker276.Tool: Fediverse Social Media Feed Extractor277.Tool: Content Credentials Checker278.Tool: ASCII to Unicode Encoder and Decoder279.Tool: npm, Yarn, and pnpm Command Converter280.Tool: Alt Text Decision Helper281.Tool: Design Token Validator282.Tool: Array Converter283.Tool: Readability Checker (Readable)284.Tool: Website Sustainability Checker285.Tool: URL Lengthener286.Tool: Knowledge Graph Checker287.Tool: Image Converter (Canva)288.Tool: CSS to Tailwind Converter289.Tool: SHACL Validator290.Tool: OKLCH Color Picker and Converter291.Tool: UI Events Viewer292.Tool: JavaScript Variable Name Validator293.Tool: Web Vitals Analyzer (EXPERTE.com)294.Tool: security.txt Generator295.Tool: Confetti Generator296.Tool: Design Tokens Generator (Evgeny Khoroshilov)297.Tool: AI Color Palette Generator298.Tool: WebRTC and IP Address Leak Checker299.Tool: SVG to Data URI Converter300.Tool: .htaccess Checker (Merkle)